Supporting Children Through Grief
Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson

Supporting Children Through Grief

Losing a loved one can be difficult at any age, but for children who have yet to fully understand the concepts of life and death, the impact of loss and complex feelings of grief can be overwhelming. On average, 1 in every 5 children will experience the death of someone they are close to prior to their 19th birthday, and grieving that loss will be a lifelong journey that follows kids into adulthood. While grief is a complex topic to discuss, professional insights into this unique journey can help caregivers facilitate healthy conversations related to loss and death.

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Fatherhood: It Takes a Village
Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson

Fatherhood: It Takes a Village

The presence of a father plays a vital part in child development, which is why organizations around the country have stepped up to welcome fathers and help them take attentive, responsible roles in their children’s lives. A father’s active presence in his child’s life not only strengthens their relationship, but also improves the child’s cognitive ability, educational achievement, and psychological well-being. These helpful organizations, programs, and online tools are available to assist fathers in their efforts to become better parents, partners, and providers.

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Dental Care for Children With Sensory Processing Issues
Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson

Dental Care for Children With Sensory Processing Issues

Helping to manage your child’s dental hygiene can be an especially difficult task if they struggle with sensory processing issues. In this guide you will find general information and helpful tips on establishing good dental care practices with your children, as well as specific dental care resources and suggestions for assisting children with sensory processing challenges as they develop positive oral hygiene habits.

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Nutrition Knowledge: Food For Thought
Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson

Nutrition Knowledge: Food For Thought

Nutrition is important at every age, but never more so than in childhood. Kids are establishing healthy habits and building knowledge that will help them throughout their lives. This guide is filled with resources that will help you and your children understand the importance of good nutrition. Knowledge is power, and the more a child learns about the value of nutritious food, the more excited they will be about healthy eating.

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Well-Child Visits and Preventative Care
Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson

Well-Child Visits and Preventative Care

Taking your children to the pediatrician when they are sick or injured is generally just common sense, but keeping up with routine well-child care is just as important for their overall health. Preventative health care can help you make sure that a minor issue today doesn’t turn into a major challenge tomorrow. In this guide you will find resources that can help you prepare for appointments with your child’s healthcare team, and recommendations for seeking care as your child grows and develops.

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Stronger Together: Talking with Kids about Racism, Hate and Violence
Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson

Stronger Together: Talking with Kids about Racism, Hate and Violence

Ronald McDonald House Charities is stronger together because of our diversity. We pride ourselves on being an organization welcoming of all families, and celebrate the differences that make each of us who we are. If you are struggling to find a way to talk with your children about race, prejudice, and other important topics, here are some resources to help you get the conversation started.

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Financial Support for Children with Special Needs and Medical Challenges
Parent & Pro Picks Jeanine Carroll Parent & Pro Picks Jeanine Carroll

Financial Support for Children with Special Needs and Medical Challenges

Having a child with a disability, a new medical diagnosis, or frequent medical care needs often results in added and unexpected costs for a family. Dealing with these financial burdens can make an already difficult situation even more challenging, which is why many organizations have made it their mission to help bridge the gap for families in need. In this guide you will find a list of organizations that may be able to help should you find yourself in need of monetary resources to fully fund or reduce the costs associated with medical care, travel, and basic living expenses.

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Wish-Granting Experiences & Gifts
Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson

Wish-Granting Experiences & Gifts

Wish-granting foundations help families lighten their load, granting wishes ranging from a trip to Disneyland to a new computer to a chance to throw the first pitch at a major league game. If your child has a serious illness, disability or medical condition they may be eligible to receive a gift or have a wish granted through one of the organizations listed in this resource guide.

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Everyone Needs a Will – We Can Help
Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson Parent & Pro Picks Julie Wilson

Everyone Needs a Will – We Can Help

Writing a will is one of the most important things you can do for your family and your loved ones regardless of your financial status. If you have children with health care needs or disabilities, it is particularly important to have a will in place to ensure your child can continue to receive the care and treatment they need. Learn more about a free, online resource and special considerations.

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